Estate Sale of late University of North Texas Musicology professor emeritus, Michael Collins.
Sale includes Antonio Frilli’s 19th C Carrera marble copy of “Roman Wrestlers”, 6' fully restored Steinway piano, Italianate furniture by Drexel and Henredon, large collection of signed Italian Majolica, library of art and music books (mainly opera including Groves Enclyclopediae of Music and Opera, antque Savonarola chair, Wedgwood Florentine china, designer lamps, Nubian putti candelabrum, Majolica terra cotta busts, Bronze Discus Bearer (Discoforo) from Barbedienne Fondure, various Majolica portrait chargers,
ethnic masks and other carvings, multitude of framed prints, 159 pc. set of Camusso (Peruvian) Colonial Pattern, mens jewelry, Breezy wheel chair, Dukane Microfilm Reader, cookbooks, kitchen and barware, set of outdoor furniture (cement staturary not for sale), large collection of classical LP's, and vintage electronics. Sorry no children or large bags.
Aug. 19-21. Fri Sat 8:30-5:30, Sun 11-4.
Reduction schedule 30% off at 2 on Sat., 50% off 11AM Sun. Piano, Frilli sculpture, jewelry, and sterling will not be discounted.
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