Gigantic Sale of the estate of Margaret Ritchie Johnston, 818 W. Oak St. (Historic District) Denton, Texas.
Fri & Sat May 27-28, 9 to 6, Sun May 29 10-4.
Mrs. Johnston, who came to Denton in 1935, has been for many years an avid collector of fine china--Minton, Haviland, Beleek, Schuman-- fancy glassware, beautiful textiles, vintage clothes from 1900-1970's, hats, primitives, granite ware, copper, wicker and other furniture. Sale includes 4 silver tea services (a 5 piece Baroque by Wallace), several sets of china, kitchen items, sewing, dolls, old toys, books, twisted wire ice cream parlor furniture, a big porch full of wicker plus lots of other unusual and unique items.
Arts and Crafts cottage is literally packed. There's a mahogany breakfront desk, Camel back sofa, a pair of club chairs from a hotel lobby in Hot Springs and another pair from the Waggoner home in Wise county, an early 19th C American grandfather clock, pair of Henredon lamp tables, pair of block front night stands, highboy chest, lots of books plus miscellaneous furniture in garage apt. and garage, and an almost overwhelming quantity of vintage clothes ( includes 10 fur coats), mannequins, dress forms, 60+ hats, hat stands, orientalia, (jade, textiles, dolls), and fancy linens, including quilts and a Singer feather weight. Not just a little of lady sale, there's something for everyone here.
The 3 bedroom, 1928 Craftsman style cottages and garage apt. will be for rent.
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