Here a list of high points:
Old pool-side sofa, chair & 2 tables,
Chinese rug brought bvack by missionaries in 1890's
Navajo rugs, saddle blankets, serapes
All kinds of, lit, art, childrens'
Antique Chinese altar table
Asian style cedar chest
Limbert side chair
Chrome and leather mcm chair, Bruer for Thonet
New England antique deacons/hall bench
Pair of Toile upholstered twin headboards
1950's Modern walnut twin bed frames, headboards & footboards
Stacking apt size washer dryer (no other large appliances}
Rainbow vac
Several large pressure cookers
Extensive collection of quality kitchen things
Large size (14-16) Koslows mink, floor length coat
A few handbags (Tumy, Ferragamo, etc.)
Folk, outsider, and ethnic art
Toole silver tea service
Ethan Allen oak wall unit
Beautiful Empire style Buffet
Gentleman's chest of drawers by Henredon.
Collection of fine vintage linen including Turkeywork
Sewing machines, including Singer

Featherweight and Featherweight table.
Lots of studio pottery
Old advertising fixtures (Hatchery chicken
figurres, Plaster babies from old Dept store
Access may be limited on first morning
All Credit Cards accepted
NO Children
Sale dates July 19-21
Fri-Sat 9-6
Sun 11-4
818 W. Oak (can park on Gregg or Oak